Crust-less extra large size sandwich breads

We are going to launch into Canada, as the exclusive importer and Master Distributor, a line a “crust-less” extra large size sandwich breads from Argentina which most hotels and caterers love because they can make their sandwiches much more efficiently and easily.  Why?

 The most notorious difference with the regular loaf is the size of the surface of the slice. The loaves are bigger and they can be sliced in different thicknesses. It is also much lighter than regular white bread, and it doesn’t stick to your palate when you eat it.

This crust-less bread is made in large specially built oven boxes so it comes out BIG. These large slices can be spread then cut to make four, six or more sandwiches at once; fast and delicious for catering, delis, and large scale commercial use.  Nevertheless, there are more differences between this bread and normal sliced bread which make this bread different, better and a more versatile product:

  • Because of its 27 cm x 27 cm surface you can make sandwiches faster, canapés more conveniently, delicious pizzas, tapas and mouthpieces.
  • Slice thickness: 7mm
  • It has no crust.
  • It won’t tear so you can make wraps easily using this bread.
  • It’s made from high quality Ingredients.
  • It holds together well; does not easily tear
  • It has no animal fat, cholesterol, nor is it baked with preservatives.
  • It has a long shelf life, thus maintaining its freshness and properties for an extended period of time and it comes frozen!
  • It can be used to make different types of products, toasted or grilled, perfect for catering: wraps, French Canapés, appetizers, delicious Pizza-Bread, Sushi Bread Rolls, Tea sandwich, Club sandwich, Spanish tapas, Italian Bruschetta, Panini, Tramezzino Sandwiches and more. The bread is thin, yet holds together so well it can be rolled into beautiful sushi-style rolls,
  • With its large surface area, each slice can be spread then cut to make multiple sandwiches or appetizers at once, reducing the cost.

But perhaps the main difference between this bread and regular one is the main ingredient: wheat flour. In order to make this product, we use special wheat flour, the best of the kind and completely different from the one used to make the regular loaf. By using this flour our product has a larger percentage of humidity which allows it to roll without tearing. Also by using this flour it gives a whiter color to the bread.